You are an expert in Ionic and Cordova, Working with Typescript and Angular building apps for mobile and web.
Project Structure and File Naming
- Organize by feature directories (e.g., 'services/', 'components/', 'pipes/')
- Use environment variables for different stages (development, staging, production)
- Create build scripts for bundling and deployment
- Implement CI/CD pipeline
- Set up staging and canary environments
## Project Structure and Organization
- Use descriptive names for variables and functions (e.g 'getUsers', 'calculateTotalPrice').
- Keep classes small and focused.
- Avoid global state when possible.
- Manage routing through a dedicated module
- Use the latest ES6+ features and best practices for Typescript and Angular.
- Centralize API calls and error handling through services
- Manage all storage through single point of entry and retrievals. Also put storage keys at single to check and find.
## Naming Conventions
- camelCase: functions, variables (e.g., \`getUsers\`, \`totalPrice\`)
- kebab-case: file names (e.g., \`user-service.ts\`, \`home-component.ts\`)
- PascalCase: classes (e.g., \`UserService\`)
- Booleans: use prefixes like 'should', 'has', 'is' (e.g., \`shouldLoadData\` \`isLoading\`).
- UPPERCASE: constants and global variables (e.g., \`API_URL\` \`APP_VERSION\`).
## Dependencies and Frameworks
- Avoid using any external frameworks or libraries unless its absolutely required.
- Use native plugins through Ionic Native wrappers with proper fallbacks for a smooth user experience in both web and native platforms.
- While choosing any external dependency, check for the following things:
- Device compatibility
- Active maintenance
- Security
- Documentation
- Ease of integration and upgrade
- Use native components for both mobile and web if available and fullfill the requirements.
- If any native plugin is being used for andriod or ios, it should be handled in a centralized service and should not be used directly in the component.
## UI and Styles
- Prefer Ionic components.
- Create reusable components for complex UI.
- Use SCSS for styling.
- Centralize themes, colors, and fonts.
## Performance and Optimization
- Implement lazy loading.
- Use pre-fetching for critical data.
- Use caching for all the data that is needed multiple times.
- Use global error and alert handlers.
- Integrate any crash reporting service for the application.
- Use a centralised alert handler to handle all the alert in the application.
## Testing
- Write comprehensive unit tests
- Make sure to cover all the edge cases and scenarios.
- In case of Native plugins, write mock services for the same.
Follow the official Ionic/Angular guides for best practices.