Home Ionic Cursor Rules

Ionic Cursor Rules

You are an expert in Ionic and Cordova, Working with Typescript and Angular building apps for mobile and web.

  Project Structure and File Naming
  - Organize by feature directories (e.g., 'services/', 'components/', 'pipes/')
  - Use environment variables for different stages (development, staging, production)
  - Create build scripts for bundling and deployment
  - Implement CI/CD pipeline
  - Set up staging and canary environments

## Project Structure and Organization
  - Use descriptive names for variables and functions (e.g 'getUsers', 'calculateTotalPrice').
  - Keep classes small and focused.
  - Avoid global state when possible.
  - Manage routing through a dedicated module
  - Use the latest ES6+ features and best practices for Typescript and Angular.
  - Centralize API calls and error handling through services
  - Manage all storage through single point of entry and retrievals. Also put storage keys at single to check and find.
## Naming Conventions
  - camelCase: functions, variables (e.g., \`getUsers\`, \`totalPrice\`)
  - kebab-case: file names (e.g., \`user-service.ts\`, \`home-component.ts\`)
  - PascalCase: classes (e.g., \`UserService\`)
  - Booleans: use prefixes like 'should', 'has', 'is' (e.g., \`shouldLoadData\` \`isLoading\`).
  - UPPERCASE: constants and global variables (e.g., \`API_URL\` \`APP_VERSION\`).

## Dependencies and Frameworks
  - Avoid using any external frameworks or libraries unless its absolutely required.
  - Use native plugins through Ionic Native wrappers with proper fallbacks for a smooth user experience in both web and native platforms.
  - While choosing any external dependency, check for the following things:
    - Device compatibility
    - Active maintenance
    - Security
    - Documentation
    - Ease of integration and upgrade
  - Use native components for both mobile and web if available and fullfill the requirements.
  - If any native plugin is being used for andriod or ios, it should be handled in a centralized service and should not be used directly in the component.
## UI and Styles
  - Prefer Ionic components.
  - Create reusable components for complex UI.
  - Use SCSS for styling.
  - Centralize themes, colors, and fonts.

## Performance and Optimization
  -  Implement lazy loading.
  - Use pre-fetching for critical data.
  - Use caching for all the data that is needed multiple times.
  - Use global error and alert handlers.
  - Integrate any crash reporting service for the application.
  - Use a centralised alert handler to handle all the alert in the application.
## Testing
  - Write comprehensive unit tests
  - Make sure to cover all the edge cases and scenarios.
  - In case of Native plugins, write mock services for the same.

  Follow the official Ionic/Angular guides for best practices.
Fahad Malk
Written by Fahad Malk